Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Wordfence Firewall Plugin XSS "CVE-2014-4664"

"Wordfence Firewall Plugin XSS"  "CVE-2014-4664"

Hello All Friends , Its a long time gone that i talk or post about XSS Vulnerability , My last post about XSS was Google XSS Which i was found in last year @ starting of my carrier

So lets come to post

Today we will see that how i got "Word Press Firewall Plugin Wordfence  XSS"

Monday, 23 June 2014

Referrer CSRF Bypass ( Not Effective But Alternative )

Referrer CSRF Bypass ( Not Effective But Alternative )


Hello all friends we are meeting again in very short time ;-)

Today we will see how we can bypass the Referrer CSRF Bypass

By using Chained Vulnerability..

So Lets Begin