Wednesday, 27 November 2013

"Sourceforge Brute Force" Attack Vulnerability ,Sourceforge Brute Force

                                         Sourceforge Brute Force Attack Vulnerability

I want to share my finding "Sourceforge Brute Force" Attack which I have reported to Source Forge Security Team on 25th October 2013

While downloading a project i think that i should test the log in panel for brute force attack vulnerability On -

After some analysis i have found that the there was no protection of login attempts or you can say Brute force attack ..

So i test the source forge log in panel i found something interesting.In my test i have tested 100 something attempts with my account

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Net Protector XSS Content Spoofing Antivirus .Net Protector Anti VirusXSS And Content Spoofing Vulnerability

 Net Protector Anti Virus XSS And Content Spoofing Vulnerability ( Net Protector XSS Content Spoofing Antivirus)

No 1 Anti Virus In India "Net Protector Anti Virus XSS And Content Spoofing Vulnerability" ( Lol ) 

Hello all this post is about "Net Protector Anti Virus XSS And Content Spoofing Vulnerability"

while searching looking into site i had found that on the the network manager log in page

Net protector is using a parameter called "txtMsg="